Essex International Jamboree

Boyton Cross Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom

EIJ2024 is coming! We will be returning to Boyton Cross, Chelmsford from the 27th July to 3rd August 2024 for another unforgettable seven days and nights, bringing Scouts and Guides together from across the UK and around the world. In 2016, we saw 10,000 of us (including over 2,000 volunteers) come together, making international friendships...

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Gilwell Reunion

Gilwell Park Waltham Abbey, London, United Kingdom

Thanks again to everyone who joined us at Gilwell Reunion 2023. We hope you took away loads of programme ideas, had a go at some practical skills, and found ideas and support to help you undertake your role. Gilwell Reunion 2024 will be held from Friday 30 August - Sunday 1 September. Do note the...

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Cheshire Hike

Cheshire Hike 2024 will be postponed until 5th-6th October For more information about why the hike has been postpones, click here.     Cheshire Hike has seen Scouts, Explorers, Guides and Rangers walk between 30km and 60km in just two days for 56 years. The 2024 event will take place on 6th-7th April, and will...

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Blakfoot Hike

Scouts complete a 2-day weekend hike as team of 2 in unfamiliar surroundings, navigating themselves from checkpoint to checkpoint. Scouts also camp overnight to demonstrate their skills of self-sufficiency – setting up their tent and cooking for themselves. Map check will be on Wednesday 9th October.

Chamboree 2026

The Royal Cheshire Showground Clay House Farm, Flittogate Ln, Tabley, Knutsford, United Kingdom

Cheshire's 10th International Scout and Guide Jamboree Here's a look back at the highlights from 2022:  Make you follow Chamboree on Instagram @Chamboree and Facebook at For more information, please visit