The next Roverway event will be held in Norway from 22 July to 5 August 2024 and we’re excited to say the selection for participants has started!
Roverway sits alongside the World Scout Jamboree and the World Scout Moot as one of Scouting’s three big international events.
It involves three main aspects:
- a semi-independent exploration or ‘path’ in the host country;
- a jamboree-style main camp experience where all patrols come together;
- a post-event experience for, and shaped by, the UK Contingent.
It’s a great opportunity for Explorers and Scout Network members to take part in an
international adventure, build their confidence and develop independence.
Roverway is open to members born between 01/08/2002 and 22/07/2008. These members will be organised into patrols. A patrol is made up of 5 to 8 young people and must include a Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader that will be over 18 years old by 1 January 2024. This gives them time to complete training that will support them in these roles. Join the webinar on the 16th of March (Thursday) at 6:30 pm to find out more. You can also read more and put your application in here.
Any questions contact Charly O’Brien (Charly.obrien@cheshirescouts.org.uk)